By ~ Muante Tangpua

They both lived in two different states, they never knew each other until they both went for further studies and they met in the same college. Yes, the girl was one year junior to the boy. The first time they met each other was like a cupid must have hit them both with arrows of love ! They both can feel there was a chemistry going on !

Days passed by and as expected, they started their fateful relationship not knowing what the future held for them. After few months, the guy confessed that he was cheating on her with another girl. That night, the girl felt as if she was hit by a thunder bolt ! She cried and cried and cried. She didn't blame him though. She loved him so much and told him she could wait for him. She asked him to shake off the relationship with the other girl. The boy agreed and told her to wait for him.

But he couldn't shake her off as early as she wanted him to. The girl, though hurt, put her trust in God and gain her strength from God and could move on. Now when he return back to her out of no where, he found out that she was already with another guy. He felt terribly sad and sorry for himself and at the same time he accepted whatever had happened. But the girl still loved him so much that she broke up with the other guy and went back to him and they both were very happy to be together at heart yet again.

Still, their happiness didn't last long. The girl's family wouldn't accept him, not a single soul from her families were happy with her being in a relationship with him. So, she finally took the hardest decision ever she had to make, she broke up with him. Though she was the one who took the initiative to this decision, she was left with a broken heart. One day, she went to a hospital and the receptionist asked her what her problem/sickness was. She said,'Broken heart' and that's when they sent her to me.

©Siamsinna leh Vakiangbu


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