By ~ Olivia Julyanne Ngaihte

Distant a place to me, yet so close,
Is a friend, a noble soul.
Far away, crossing towns and bridges,
Of swaying golden coated leaves,
Across the spreading  free green meadows,
Beyond the stilled shaded deep vales-
Would come his messages-
Of words carefully chosen.
Breaking the giant wall and barriers,
Fights the coldness of pain like a mighty warrior.
Little did i know, someone can touch a heart-
From a distant land, far away.
How each kindness show, can changed someone's life..
Is he too kind a soul?
But must i wonder, when his distant being is yet so close a heart with mine..!
He had been there,
He had seen.
Much happiness and sadness all alike.
Yet, he still stood strong,
Moving on and on..
Inspiring souls as he trod along.
He is that ray of hope,
That silver lining in the cloud,
So if ever you stoop and falter,
Remember there is a friend.
A distant, yet so close inside,
He"d be the one, that 'prince charming'.
Riding through the woods of life.
Of struggles and the pain..
He would stood right infront of you to ever protect you:
To fight your pains away.
Don't you refuse lest you'd regret..
And wake up to only realize he's gone,
He who dared to sail away with you..
To make sure you smile as ever..
When he come knock the door of your heart,
To take you away with him-
In that beautiful castle grand,
Beyond the stormy seas of life,
With him to live a life-
Happily ever after ..:)

(~T'is of ye Anonymous)

©Siamsinna leh Vakiangbu


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